Jumaat, 25 Mac 2011



Brunei offers many opportunities to strech your legs and work your muscles. Two of the most popular hiking destinations are Tasek Lama and Bukit Shahbandar.

                                                                        Bukit Shahbandar

                                                                               Tasek Lama


Royal Brunei Yacht Club

The clubhouse is situated on Muara Bay with a view of Sarawak's Crocker Mountain Range. They have a swimming pool and snooker room and also have a sister clubhouse on the banks of Brunei River along Jalan Kota Batu. You can sail down from Serasa, dock at the pontoon and have a game of bridge or a meal at their restaurant.

Other Watersports

The Empire Hotel's Banana Hut is a one-stop shop for watersports lovers. Diving lessons and equipment are available but there's plenty for non-divers too such as snorkeling, parasailing, jetskiing, charter a boat or go-deep sea fishing. You will also have a relaxing day and island hop with a picnic baskets. It is open to walk in visitors as well as guests.

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